Online Donations (click on links)
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Make checks out to Amigos Hospitalito Atitlan
Mail to:
Amigos Hospitalito Atitlán
2220 Shallow Well Rd
Manakin, VA 23103
Tax ID: 26-4582168
Hospitalito Atitlán cares for the health needs in the Lake Atitlán area of the Guatemala highlands. Before the Hospitalito, these Maya families and their children had little or no access to quality medical care. Today, it serves more than 75,000 people. As the Hospitalito prepares to enter its tenth year, the demands on it are greater than ever. Thank you for your donation to support this important work!
* Amigos is governed by an independent board which has discretion to use the funds to achieve its charitable purposes and to ensure that all donations are used in a manner that satisfies the charitable rules of the Internal Revenue Code. While the board has determined that supporting the above programs fulfills the organization's charitable purposes, the board reserves discretion to determine whether using donated funds in such manner serves the organization's purposes.
Tax Notice:
*Amigos Hospitalito Atitlan is exempt from Federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code. Copies of our Determination Letter and our Application For Exemption (Form 1023) are available upon request.